RapidAPI YouTube Transcript AI Summary

Flow to transcribe a YouTube video, generate a summary, and store the result for future use or analysis.

RapidAPI YouTube Transcript AI Summary

Flow to transcribe a YouTube video, generate a summary, and store the result for future use or analysis.

This catalog service provides a pre-configured Contextual flow that demonstrates how to integrate the RapidAPI YouTube Transcriber and OpenAI Chat API to automatically transcribe YouTube videos, generate concise summaries, and store the results within Contextual for further analysis or use. The flow is designed to take a YouTube video ID as input, send it to the RapidAPI YouTube Transcriber, and then use the transcription to generate a summary via OpenAI's Chat API. The AI-generated summary is then logged and stored as an object in Contextual, making it easily accessible for future reference.

In this example, the flow uses test/sample data to assemble the payload, which is sent to the RapidAPI YouTube Transcriber and OpenAI Chat API. The responses are processed, formatted, and stored as structured data in Contextual. The flow can be tested directly within the flow editor by initiating the inject button, allowing you to see how the system processes a video ID, transcribes the content, and generates a summary. Additionally, this flow can be bound to an agent, triggered from another flow, or activated through an external action, enabling flexible integration into various workflows.

This setup is particularly useful for content creators, educators, researchers, and businesses that regularly work with video content. It allows for the automation of video content summarization, making it easier to manage and reference key information from videos. Whether for content curation, documentation, or research, this flow provides a streamlined solution for integrating AI-driven transcription and summarization into your workflows, enhancing efficiency and accessibility.

This simple Contextual flow demonstrates how to use the RapidAPI YouTube Transcriber and OpenAI Chat API to transcribe a YouTube video, generate a summary, and store the result for future use or analysis.


Using this template will create the following components in this tenant. You can rename them if needed when you use the template.

0 Agents

1 Flows

RapidAPI - Youtube Video Summary

1 Object Types

RapidAPI Youtube Video Summary Object

2 Connections

OpenAI Chat API

RapidAPI Youtube Transcriber API

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